Analysis of future Heparins market environment by Heparins Manufacturer?

  As one of the most widely used and effective anticoagulant and antithrombotic drugs in clinical practice, heparin drugs occupy an important position in the international pharmaceutical market, and its market demand is very strong. With the in-depth study on the pharmacological effects of heparin, the clinical indications of heparin drugs are constantly expanding. In addition to anticoagulation and antithrombosis, heparin drugs are more widely used in anti-tumor aspects.

Analysis of future Heparins market environment by Heparins Manufacturer?

  Innovative drugs based on heparin raw materials (including various novel low molecular weight heparin sodium, low molecular weight heparin calcium, etc.) are under large-scale development, and some are already in the clinical stage. Different low molecular weight heparin drugs have different clinical efficacy and indications due to their different chemical structure and production technology. In addition to enoxaparin, which is widely used in clinic, low molecular weight heparin, such as dapheparin, parheparin, naqu heparin, and Trinza heparin, also have a relatively wide range of uses and markets.

  Qingdao Jiulong Medicine is a Heparin sodium API supplier and Chondroitin Sulfate Sodium manufacturer. Welcome to consult and understand!