Enoxaparin Sodium api company: The role of Enoxaparin Sodium to protect the fetus!

  Enoxaparin sodium is mainly used to prevent venous thromboembolic diseases, and is often used in obstetrics to protect the fetus. Enoxaparin sodium in addition to fetal protection has a better effect, the body has certain side effects, use must follow the doctor's advice.

  Effects and side effects of enoxaparin sodium

  1, role: platelet aggregation, uterine blood circulation is not good, previously had a history of unexplained fetal stop pregnant women, can use enoxparin sodium to improve uterine placental blood circulation, conducive to embryo implantation and development, so as to play the role of fetal protection. For pregnant women with hypercoagulable conditions such as thrombolysis, enoxaparin sodium should always be used to protect the fetus, avoid thrombosis symptoms, such as placental thrombosis, umbilical cord thrombosis, and avoid intrauterine risk of fetal death;

Enoxaparin Sodium api company: The role of Enoxaparin Sodium to protect the fetus!

  2, Side effects: may affect the coagulation function, during the drug treatment should pay attention to check the coagulation function. The function of liver and kidney should be comprehensively evaluated before use, and monitoring should be paid attention to during the use of the drug. If the drug does not comply with the doctor's advice, stop the drug.

  Matters needing attention

  1. Regular birth check-up to keep abreast of the physical condition of the fetus and pregnant women;

  2, regular rest and diet, keep mood, avoid too much pressure;

  3, avoid strenuous activities, use the drug to regularly test coagulation function.