dalteparin api company: What does Dalteparin do?

  Dapheparin sodium mainly has antithrombotic effect. It is a low molecular weight heparin, which plays an antithrombotic effect mainly by acting on coagulation factors and thrombin. Dapheparin sodium has a strong antithrombin effect and mainly has an inhibitory effect on coagulation factor 10. Compared with ordinary heparin, Dapheparin sodium has a weak inhibitory effect on platelet adhesion, so it has a weak inhibitory effect on the early stage of thrombosis.

dalteparin api company: What does Dalteparin do?

  In clinical practice, dapheparin sodium drugs can mainly be used to prevent or treat thrombotic diseases, first can be used for acute deep vein thrombosis, in addition, can also be used for renal insufficiency or kidney failure patients with hemodialysis, can be used for extracorporeal circulation, play an anti-thrombotic role. In addition, it can also be used for cardiothrombotic diseases, such as myocardial infarction, angina, and surgery-related thrombosis.