Low molecular weight heparin sodium indications and contraindications?

  Low molecular weight heparin is the general name of a class of low molecular weight heparin prepared from the depolymerization of ordinary heparin. It is a new type of anticoagulant drug developed in the 1970s. Compared with heparin,LMWH has the advantages of high bioavailability, strong antithrombotic effect and fewer adverse bleeding reactions, so it is increasingly widely used in clinical practice.

  Indications of low molecular weight heparin sodium:

  1, prevent thromboembolic diseases (such as myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis).

  2, treatment of thromboembolic diseases (lower limb venous embolism, DIC).

  3. Prevent blood clots from forming during hemodialysis.

  4. Treatment of unstable angina pectoris and non-Q wave myocardial infarction.

Low molecular weight heparin sodium indications and contraindications?

  Contraindications of low molecular weight heparin sodium:

  1. Organ injury with bleeding risk (peptic ulcer, hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident, etc.).

  2. Allergic to heparin, low molecular weight heparin and its derivatives.

  3. Patients with a history of thrombocytopenia associated with low molecular weight heparin use.

  4. Postpartum hemorrhage and severe hepatic and renal insufficiency.

  5. Patients with severe hypertension, severe craniocerebral injury and acute infective endocarditis.