heparin sodium api: The role of Heparin sodium effect?

  Heparin sodium mainly has the functions of preventing thrombosis, treating diffuse vascular coagulation and anticoagulation in vivo and in vitro.

  1. Prevent thrombosis: This drug has the effect of inhibiting blood clots and has the effect of anticoagulation. It can be properly used in the population with high blood lipid and can effectively prevent thrombosis.

  2. Treatment of diffuse vascular coagulation: When patients have bacterial sepsis, or pregnant women have placental premature beat symptoms, heparin sodium can be used to prevent the consumption of coagulation factors.

heparin sodium api: The role of Heparin sodium effect?

  3. in vivo and in vitro anticoagulation: heparin sodium injection within two days after the operation is mainly for anticoagulation, promote blood circulation, hemodialysis, also need to use heparin sodium anticoagulation.

  Although heparin sodium has the functions of preventing thrombosis, treating diffuse vascular coagulation, and anticoagulation in vivo and in vitro, it should not be used too much. It is recommended to use heparin under the guidance of doctors, and not blindly to avoid adverse effects.