Enoxaparin sodium is the heparin family anticoagulant leader?

  In clinical applications, heparin, low molecular heparin for years and still have high use of anticoagulant drugs, a higher percentage of anticoagulant drugs market share, has the irreplaceable position, clinical curative effect is better than that of heparin and low molecular heparin, according to the north the curative effect of heparin sodium listed for many years because of its advantage and keep sales of blockbuster level above, It's definitely the best in the heparin class.

  Enoxaparin sodium is a derivative of heparin sodium extracted from pig intestinal mucosa after esterification, and then low molecular weight heparin sodium is produced by alkali lysis. Enoxaparin catalytically inactivates coagulation factors IIa, Xa, IXa, XIa and XIIa by binding to antithrombin III (AT-III), and plays an anticoagulant role mainly by inhibiting Xa.

Enoxaparin sodium is the heparin family anticoagulant leader?

  The effect of low molecular weight heparin on Xa and IIa is mainly related to the molecular chain length. Usually, the molecular chain of heparin is more than 18 sugar units, and it can inactivate IIa and Xa at the same time. However, most of the molecular chains of low molecular weight heparin are less than 18 sugar units, and the effect of inactivating Xa is stronger, but the effect on coagulation factor IIa is smaller.