Heparin family anticoagulant leader - enoxaparin sodium!

  In terms of clinical application, heparin and low-molecular-weight heparin are still the anticoagulant drugs with high utilization rate for many years. Among the many low-molecular-weight heparin drugs that have been on the market, enoxaparin sodium is definitely the leader among the heparin drugs by virtue of its therapeutic advantage in the market for many years and its sales volume above the blockbuster level.

  Enoxaparin sodium is a low molecular weight heparin sodium derived from heparin sodium extracted from pig intestine mucosa. It is a benzylidene sodium derivative of heparin obtained by esterification.

Heparin family anticoagulant leader - enoxaparin sodium!

  Enoxaparin sodium (ENoxaparin sodium) is a low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) which is eliminated by methyl phenidate β- and chemically cleaved. The active site of enoxaparin sodium is a unique 1, 6-dehydrated cyclic dicyclic structure, which makes it different from other LMWH. Enoxaparin catalyzed the inactivation of clotting factors IIa, Xa, IXa, XIa and XIIa by binding to antithrombin III (AT-III). Among them, the anticoagulant effect was mainly achieved by inhibiting Xa.