The clinical use of heparin sodium and measure of drug use?

  Pharmacological effects and mechanisms of heparin :1. Anticoagulation: enhance the activity of antithrombin 3; Activated heparin cofactor 2; Promote activation of fibrinolytic system; Inhibit platelet aggregation. 2. Anti-atherosclerosis effect: reducing blood lipid; Protect arterial endothelial cells; Anti proliferation of smooth muscle cells. 3. Anti-inflammatory effect: In inflammatory reaction, heparin can inhibit leukocyte migration, chemotaxis and adhesion, neutralize various inflammatory factors, reduce the formation of oxygen free radicals, and inactivate various inflammatory related enzymes.

The clinical use of heparin sodium and measure of drug use?

  Clinical application :1. Mainly used for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic diseases. 2. For the prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, cardiovascular surgery and peripheral venous surgery after thrombosis. 3. Treatment of early disseminated intravascular coagulation. 4. In vitro anticoagulation, such as hemodialysis, cardiac catheterization, cardiovascular surgery, etc.

  Nursing measures of heparin :1. Bleeding is the most common adverse reaction of heparin, such as mild heparin overdose; If bleeding is severe, protamine sulfate, a special antidote, can be slowly injected intravenously. 2. Heparin can cause thrombocytopenia, so platelet count should be monitored during nursing administration. 3. Heparin is an acidic drug and cannot be used together with basic drugs. Special attention should be paid to clinical nursing medication.