Preservation method and characters of chondroitin sulfate sodium are introduced!

  Chondroitin sulfate sodium belongs to a medicine to cure various diseases, which has the effect of reducing blood fat, about high blood fat disease has the effect of reducing, and has the effect of strong bones, for osteoporosis disease has a therapeutic effect, and the effect of analgesia, for a variety of pain analgesic effect is good, and the application in the eye, The eye drops made from it can cure keratitis.

  Chondroitin sulfate sodium is a white or white powder product with no odor and some discredited advice. Consumers must avoid the damp environment when storing, there is a little salty taste in the process of taking. And because of its viscosity, it should be taken with the correct usage and dosage, dissolved in water when used. Ethanol and methanol are incompatible with acetone.

Preservation method and characters of chondroitin sulfate sodium are introduced!

  In addition, consumers are advised to store them separately from strong oxidants, acids and bases during storage to avoid mixed use, and provide appropriate fire protection measures in the warehouse to avoid leakage of organic solvents or chondroitin sulfate sodium. In the use of time, but also to master the correct usage and dosage. It is best to use it under the guidance of a professional. You can choose to use it in a ventilated environment to avoid environmental pollution.