The injection position of low molecular heparin sodium?

  Heparin is an anticoagulant that makes the blood flow in our body flow more smoothly to the heart muscle. It is necessary for patients with acute myocardial infarction and can play the role of adjuvant therapy. After myocardial infarction, the heart muscle will soon undergo complete necrosis. Recovery can lead to scarring and loss of normal cardiac muscle structure and systolic function. So for necrotic myocardium, no matter how good the treatment will not have obvious effect.

  Low molecular heparin sodium injection site is usually subcutaneous injection or intravenous drug, on the choice of subcutaneous injections, the abdomen is a very good at the injection site, because the abdominal area is large, subcutaneous fat, blood capillary is relatively less, the skin temperature constant, drug absorption is fast and is not affected by movement, injection of choosing navel above 5 cm or 5 cm below the navel are upper and lower bounds, The left and right sides are 5cm inside and outside the midline of the clavicle.

The injection position of low molecular heparin sodium?

  Low molecular weight heparin sodium injection is an antithrombotic drug, mainly used to prevent thromboembolic diseases. Clinical use is safe, but is a prescription drug, need to follow the doctor's advice to use. Severe infection in children can cause diffuse intravascular coagulation and prevent microcirculation thrombosis. It can also be used to treat neonatal frostbite syndrome. Because of frostbite, baby temperature drop will cause peripheral vascular contraction, reduced skin blood flow, cold limbs, microcirculation disorders. If you have any symptoms, seek medical advice immediately and do not take medicine without authorization.