What are the indications for Enoxaparin sodium?

  Indications of enoxaparin sodium: prevention of thromboembolic diseases (such as myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis); Treatment of thromboembolic diseases (DIC); Prevention of blood clot formation in hemodialysis.

  Contraindications of enoxaparin sodium: organ injury with bleeding risk (peptic ulcer, bleeding syndrome, hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident, etc.); Hypersensitivity to heparin and low molecular weight heparin; Patients with a history of thrombocytopenia associated with low molecular weight heparin sodium use; Postpartum hemorrhage and severe liver dysfunction; Pancreatic lesions with severe renal disease, severe hypertension, severe craniocerebral injury, and postoperative patients.

What are the indications for Enoxaparin sodium?

  Adverse reactions of enoxaparin sodium :1. Bleeding: there may be skin bleeding reactions in different parts, such as skin and mucous membrane bleeding, gingival bleeding, etc. 2, occasionally have severe thrombocytopenia;  3, local or systemic allergic reaction; 4. Some patients have skin injection site blood stasis, ecchymosis in rare cases, hematoma at the injection site, occasionally skin necrosis; 5. Severe skin rash at the injection site is rare.