Heparin Sodium API Supplier: What does Heparin sodium do?

  Heparin sodium API Supplier: Indications for Heparin sodium

  Heparin sodium injection: for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis or embolic diseases (such as myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, etc.); Various causes of diffuse intravascular coagulation; Also used in hemodialysis, extracorporeal circulation, catheterization, microvascular surgery and other operations and some blood specimens or instruments anticoagulation treatment.

  Heparin sodium lozenges tablet: used to prevent cerebral thrombosis, arterial thrombosis.

  Heparin sodium cream: for early chilblstbite, chap, ulcer, eczema and superficial phlebitis and soft tissue injury.

  Heparin sodium API Supplier: Heparin sodium precautions

  1. Oral heparin is ineffective. Not suitable for intramuscular injection, because intramuscular injection can cause hematoma at the injection site. Intravenous injection, intravenous drip and deep subcutaneous injection can be used. Subcutaneous injection should be deep into the adipose layer, do not move the needle when injection, injection place should not rub.

  2. Avoid intramuscular injection of other drugs during medication to prevent bleeding at the injection site.

  3, the last 3 months of the third trimester or postpartum, there is an increased risk of maternal bleeding, especially with caution during childbirth.

  4, when epidural anesthesia as far as possible to suspend the use of drugs.

  5. Dc caused by snake bite is invalid.

Heparin Sodium API Supplier: What does Heparin sodium do?

  6. This product is easy to cause intraorbital and intracranial hemorrhage, so it is not suitable for prophylactic use in ophthalmic and neurological surgeries and hemorrhagic diseases.

  7. Early overloading is manifested as mucosal and wound bleeding, gingival bleeding, skin ecchymosis or purpura, nasal bleeding, excessive menstrual volume, etc. Serious internal bleeding signs, manifested as abdominal pain, abdominal distension, back pain paralytic ileus, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, blood stool and persistent headache, and even cardiac arrest.

  8, the rapid metabolism of heparin, if slightly excessive can be stopped. Severe excess, the use of protamine slow intravenous injection, to antagonize. Usually 1mg protamine antagonizes 100U heparin. If the heparin injection has been more than 30 minutes, the amount of protamine should be halved.

  9. People who are allergic to heparin should be vigilant and can first give 6-8mg of this product as a test amount. If there is no special reaction after 0.5h, the full amount can be given.

  10. In clinical practice, a small dose of heparin is usually used to prevent thrombosis, while a large dose is used to treat thrombosis.

  11. Use with caution in the following cases:

  (1) A history of allergic diseases and asthma.

  (2) Oral surgery is easy to cause bleeding operations.

  (3) Those who have taken adequate amounts of anticoagulants orally.

  (4) Menstrual volume is too much.

  12, heparin sodium cream can not be used for a long time, large area. Avoid contact with eyes and other mucous membranes (such as mouth and nose). If the medication site has burning sensation, redness and swelling, stop the medication, wash the local medication, and consult a doctor if necessary.