What is Heparin sodium classification?

  Since its discovery, heparin has been widely studied for the prevention and treatment of various related thromboembolic diseases in enterprises due to its rapid onset time, precise efficacy and reversible anticoagulant effect. However, there are a large number of heparin drug products with similar names, such as heparin, low molecular weight heparin, enoxaparin, naqu heparin, etc., which is easy to cause confusion among students. What are heparin drugs, which are divided into which categories, and what are the differences of various heparin drugs?

  Heparins Manufacturer Introduction: Sources of heparin

  In 1916, Jay Mclean, of John Hopkins in the United States, was the first to discover an anticoagulant from animal livers, hence the name heparin. Heparin is found in many organs of mammals. At present, it is mainly extracted from the intestinal mucosa of pigs and lungs of pigs and cattle.

What is Heparin sodium classification?

  Heparins Manufacturer Introduction: Classification of heparin

  Heparin is mainly divided into ordinary heparin (UFH), low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), heparin derivatives (such as sulfonda sodium), heparin analogues (such as danheparin).

  Common heparin is a sulfate mixture of glucosamine (GAG). It is a mucopolysaccharide sulfate consisting of D-glucosamine, L-educturonic acid and D-glucuronic acid. It can be prepared from bovine lung or intestinal mucosa of cattle, sheep and pigs.

  Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) is a short chain preparation that is isolated or degraded by ordinary heparin. Due to the difference of molecular size, anticoagulant activity, preparation method and manufacturer, the low molecular weight heparin commonly used in clinical practice includes enoxaparin, heparin and natriheparin.

  Synthesis of molecular heparin derivative sulfonda sodium is a kind of amyl polysaccharide synthesized on the basis of antithrombin and heparin binding site structure.

  The heparin analogue, danheparin sodium, is a mixture of glucan sulphate, also prepared from pig intestinal mucosa. The main components are heparin sulfate, dermatin sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. The clinical use of indda sodium is very rare. The first three drugs are discussed in this paper.