What does low molecular heparin have?

  Low molecular weight heparin is a general term for a class of low molecular weight heparin prepared by ordinary heparin. Its pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic properties are different from ordinary heparin.

  Heparin is a widely used anticoagulant for the prevention and treatment of venous thrombosis. Although heparin has achieved good clinical effects, it has also brought many adverse reactions, such as bleeding, thrombocytopenia caused by heparin, allergic reactions, etc. Low molecular weight heparin (with good injection absorption, long half-life, high bioavailability, less bleeding side effect, no laboratory monitoring and other advantages, its clinical application is expanding

What does low molecular heparin have?

  Commonly used low molecular weight heparin include enoxaparin sodium, dapheparin sodium, trieheparin calcium and so on. Compared with ordinary heparin, low molecular weight heparin sodium can reduce the incidence of thrombocytopenia, bleeding and osteoporosis, and can be used to treat unstable angina pectoris, deep vein thrombosis and progressive cerebral infarction. It can also be widely used in interventional therapy, but it may still cause thrombocytopenia during medication, and generally can be recovered after withdrawal, with occasional allergic reactions.

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