The action of heparin sodium and side effect introduction!

  Heparin is an anticoagulant. It can affect many parts of the coagulation process and prolong the coagulation time and prothrombin time. This product has a rapid anticoagulant effect both in vivo and in vitro. This product mainly acts on the formation of fibrin, but also can reduce platelet aggregation.

  This product can be used for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic diseases, such as myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, cerebrovascular embolism, peripheral venous thrombosis, etc., can prevent the formation and expansion of thrombosis. It can also be used in the early stage of DIC and other in vitro and in vivo anticoagulation. Early application prevents fibrinogen and coagulation factor depletion. It can also be used as an in vitro anticoagulant in place of citrate during blood transfusion or during cardiopulmonary bypass.

The action of heparin sodium and side effect introduction!

  Heparins Manufacturer This section describes the side effects

  Adverse reactions of heparin sodium: it may cause spontaneous bleeding, which is manifested as various kinds of mucosal bleeding, articular hemorrhage, wound bleeding and other adverse reactions. Contraindications: it is forbidden to be used for haemorrhagic diseases and patients with clotting retardation.

  ① Too much medication can lead to spontaneous bleeding, so the clotting time should be measured before each injection. (2) if severe bleeding occurs after injection, protamine can be injected intravenously for emergency treatment. Umg protamine can neutralize 130U heparin. ③ Patients with obvious liver and kidney dysfunction and high blood pressure should be cautious, pregnant women and women postpartum caution. (4) Long-term use may occasionally produce temporary alopecia, osteoporosis and spontaneous fracture.