The relationship between heparin and cirrhosis?

  Epistaxis, gingival bleeding, and skin purpura, ecchymosis, esophageal and gastric varices rupture and bleeding are common complications of cirrhosis, liver dysfunction and coagulation disorder. Bleeding in patients with cirrhosis is often a sign of a critical condition. Active treatment is needed. What are the causes of bleeding?

  ① Decreased production of coagulation factor.

  ② The number of platelets and abnormal function: platelets play an important role in the whole process of hemostasis, and the decrease of their quality and quantity is not beneficial to hemostasis. Severe cirrhosis of the liver is often accompanied by splenomegaly and hypersplenism, so that a large number of platelets retained in the spleen, the destruction of accelerated. In addition, when liver cirrhosis bone marrow function is inhibited, the number of platelets can also be reduced, and the function is abnormal.

  ③ Increase of anticoagulant substances: heparin is an important anticoagulant substances, but can be decomposed by heparin enzyme, so that it loses anticoagulant effect. Enzyme of liver synthesis heparin when liver cirrhosis is reduced, make the heparin in hematic circulation is increased, blood is not easy coagulation.

The relationship between heparin and cirrhosis?

  ④ The subsequent stage of the coagulation process is the formation of fibrin, which can be dissolved by fibrinase. During cirrhosis, the liver is unable to effectively clear fibrin activators, thereby increasing fibrin dissolution.

  ⑤Vascular self-injury: vascular endothelial injury in cirrhosis, increased capillary permeability and prone to bleeding. In cirrhosis, esophageal and gastric varices are vulnerable to rupture and bleeding due to increased portal pressure.

  ⑥ Diffuse intravascular coagulation: cirrhosis can not effectively remove coagulant substances, combined with vascular endothelial damage, activation of the coagulation system, a wide range of intravascular coagulation, need to consume a large number of platelets and coagulation factors, can cause coagulation dysfunction. At the same time, coagulation can also cause fibrinolytic enhancement, so that blood from high coagulation state into low coagulation state and bleeding.

  Heparins Manufacturer: For the prevention and treatment of thrombotic or embolic diseases such as myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, etc. Diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC) caused by various causes; Also used in hemodialysis, extracorporeal circulation, catheterization, microvascular surgery and other operations and some blood specimens or instruments anticoagulation treatment.