Usage and dosage of ulinastatin injection

  Usage and dosage of ulinastatin injection

  Note: the same medicine produced by different enterprises may have different dosage due to different packaging specifications. Usage and dosage in this article are for reference only. If you are not sure, refer to the instructions on the medication or ask your doctor.

  1. Acute pancreatitis and chronic recurrent pancreatitis: at the initial stage, 1000 units were dissolved in 500ML 5% glucose injection or 0.9% normal saline injection intravenously for 1 to 2 hours each time, 1-3 times a day, and the dosage was reduced as the symptoms subsided;

  2. Acute circulative failure, 100,000 units were dissolved in 500ml 5% glucose injection or 0.9% normal saline injection intravenously, left for 1 to 2 hours each time, 1-3 times daily, or 100,000 units dissolved in 2ml 0.9% normal saline injection, 1-3 times daily. And can be based on age, symptoms appropriate increase or decrease.

  The drug phase of ulinastatin injection

  This product should not be mixed with gabeate or Gelobulin preparations.

  Pharmacological action of ulinastatin injection

  This strain is a refined glycoprotein extracted from human urine and belongs to protease inhibitor. It can inhibit trypsin and other trypsin activities, and is often used in the treatment of pancreatitis. In addition, the product has the functions of stabilizing lysosomal membrane, inhibiting the release of lysosomal enzyme and inhibiting the production of myocardial inhibitory factors, so it can be used in the rescue treatment of acute circulatory failure

  Methods of storage of ulinastatin injection

  Keep in closed, cool and dry place.