
Heparin sodium API Supplier - Heparin inhibits the formation of prothrombin kinase

  Heparin Sodium API Supplier describes the pharmacological action of Heparin sodium: This drug inhibits the formation of prothrombin kinase. Antithrombin Ⅲ(AT-PARA) is a serine protease inhibitor that inactivates clotting factors with serine protease activity (such as clotting factors A, T A, F, T A).

Heparin sodium API Supplier - Heparin inhibits the formation of prothrombin kinase

  The drug combines with the Δamino-lysine residue of AT-Ⅲ to form a complex, which accelerates its inactivation of coagulation factors and thus inhibits the formation of prothrombin kinase. And can counteract the effects of the prothrombin kinase that has been developed. It interferes with the action of thrombin. The combination of small dose of this drug with AT-Ⅲ makes the reaction site (arginine residue) of AT-choline more easily combine with the active center of thrombin (serine residue) to form a stable thrombin - antithrombin complex, thus inactivating thrombin and inhibiting the transformation of fibrinogen into fibrin. It interferes with the activation of thrombin on coagulation factor ⅩⅢ, affects the formation of cross-linked fibrin, and prevents the normal activation of thrombin on coagulation factor. Prevent the aggregation and destruction of platelets.

  This drug can inhibit platelet adhesion and aggregation, thereby preventing platelet disintegration and releasing platelet factor 3 and 5-hydroxytryptamine. The anticoagulant action of this drug is related to the strong negative charge sulfate in the molecule. When the sulfate group is hydrolyzed or neutralized by protamine with strong positive charge, it immediately loses its anticoagulant activity.