Reach heparin sodium manufacturer -- what does pregnant woman hit reach heparin sodium effect to have

  Reach heparin sodium manufacturer to introduce pregnant woman to hit reach heparin sodium effect to have what?

  Pregnant women often show signs of needing anticoagulant therapy, such as a history of recurrent tether thromboembolism in pregnancy, high recurrence rates, or cases such as stillbirth syndrome, severe pregnancy induced hypertension, placental abruption, and amniotic fluid obstruction. Anticoagulant therapy is required in these cases. Then pregnant women can choose to be treated with heparin. The situation varies from person to person. It is better to go to the hospital in time before injection.

Reach heparin sodium manufacturer -- what does pregnant woman hit reach heparin sodium effect to have

  In short, during pregnancy, pregnant women themselves are in a state of high coagulation, more reasons to take heparin and can not be carried out blindly. It is not recommended to use heparin carelessly before the diagnosis is clear if further examination is needed to see whether there is misdiagnosis or the disease itself, otherwise it will cause harm and impact to the pregnant woman. After pregnancy, pregnant women should pay close attention to their own physical conditions, so as to ensure that the fetus in the belly growth at ease.