Jiulong Pharma explains the correct method of enoxaparin sodium injection

  Enoxaparin sodium is a class of antithrombotic drugs, in use, enoxaparin sodium is required subcutaneous injection. It should be noted that the patient should be injected lying flat, and should be alternately administered in the anterolateral or posterolateral subcutaneous tissue of the left and right abdominal walls. During injection, the needle should be inserted vertically into the skin without forming an Angle, and the needle should be completely immersed into the skin wrinkle before injection.

  Clinically, if a drug is used incorrectly, not only will not play the efficacy of the drug, but also may cause serious adverse reactions, so the application of the drug will be strictly required, in accordance with the correct use of the drug. Next, we will introduce the injection usage of enoxaparin sodium in the following paragraphs to strengthen the attention of the correct usage of the drug.

  Let's introduce enoxaparin sodium first. Enoxaparin sodium is a class of antithrombotic drugs, and its active ingredient enoxaparin is a kind of low molecular weight heparin. Pharmacological research results show that it can separate the anticoagulant and antithrombotic activities of standard heparin, so as to achieve the therapeutic purpose.

Jiulong Pharma explains the correct method of enoxaparin sodium injection

  The clinical medication data showed that enoxaparin sodium was mainly suitable for the prevention of venous thromboembolic diseases, especially for the formation of thromboembolic diseases related to general surgery or orthopedics. It can also be used to treat existing deep vein embolism, with or without pulmonary embolism. In addition, it can also be used in the treatment of unstable angina pectoris and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction when combined with aspirin, and can prevent thrombosis during the treatment of cardiopulmonary bypass in hemodialysis.

  In terms of use, enoxaparin sodium is administered by subcutaneous injection, and there will be some differences in the way of administration for different diseases. The specific usage should be consulted with relevant instructors in detail. However, when patients are used for subcutaneous injection, attention should be paid to the dosage of this product, which should be adjusted according to the patient's weight. The excess amount should be discharged before injection, and bubbles should appear in the front row of injection. The patient should be injected lying flat, alternating between the anterolateral or posterolateral subcutaneous tissue of the left and right abdominal walls. During injection, the needle should be inserted vertically into the skin without forming an Angle, and the needle should be completely immersed into the skin wrinkle before injection.

  The above is all the introduction of the correct injection method of enoxaparin sodium in this paper. It is hoped that patients can correctly apply any drug or use it under the guidance of relevant doctors, so as to better play the effect of the drug and make patients recover health more quickly.