Mucopolysaccharide found in the dermis of mammals. In the dermis, in the rich layer of mature collagen fibers, the proteoglycan is present in the form of proteoglycan that binds to proteins (proteoderma sulfate). Therefore, collagen molecules are arranged and integrated in a certain space and composed of bridge bonds to form the fiber structure, while protein dermosin sulfate plays an important role.

  Besides the skin, also can come out from big artery, umbilical cord, tendon, heart valve, liver and semilunar valve, and do not exist in nasal cartilage and cartilage of bone end. The chemical structure is shown as the repeated structure of the disaccharide units formed by L-edu uronic acid and N-acetylgalactosine-4-sulfuric acid, but part of the uronic acid is edu uronic acid or D-glucuronic acid. In addition, a portion of n-acetylgalactosine-4-sulfuric acid is mostly replaced by unacidified and 6-sulfurized, or 4, 6-disulfide. This fine heterogeneity may vary from tissue to tissue.


  This L-aduronic acid residue is first incorporated into the polysaccharide chain by UDP and then D-uronic acid residue, which is formed by 5-differential isomerization later. In other words, the difference between chondroitin and dermal sulfate is essential due to this heteroisomerization. Long ago understood glycosaminoglycan metabolic abnormalities disease (mucopolysaccharidosis), sexual chromosome embodied Hunter syndrome (Hunter syndrome) and autosomal recessive hart syndrome (Hurter syndrome) is caused by sulfuric acid decomposition of skin factor system anomalies, lack of hydrolysis combined with the former in L - do do fashion uronic acid sulfate based sulfatase, which lack of L - do do fashion from the end of decomposition of uronic acid alpha L - do do fashion uronic acid enzyme (ec2. 2. 1. 76).

  Each disease is characterized by facial and skeletal abnormalities, enlargement of the spleen, intellectual impairments, and abnormal amounts of dermal and heparin sulphuric acid in the urine.