Side effects of low molecular weight heparin sodium injection

  Low molecular weight heparin sodium injection is mainly used for anticoagulation or prevention of thrombosis in clinic, and its side effects are mainly as follows:

  First, the most common side effect is bleeding, which can be manifested as bleeding in the urinary system and digestive system, as well as cerebral hemorrhage and gingival hemorrhage. DIC or life risk may occur in severe cases. Therefore, blood routine and coagulation function must be reviewed carefully when using low molecular weight heparin sodium injection.

  Second, low molecular weight heparin sodium can induce thrombocytopenia, causing rapid decrease of platelet, but also prone to bleeding.

  Thirdly, some patients are prone to subcutaneous siltation when using LMW heparin sodium injection.



Side effects of low molecular weight heparin sodium injection