What does heparin sodium do

  Heparin sodium is mainly used for hemodialysis or hemofiltration to prevent blood clotting and prevent thrombosis during extracorporeal circulation. The drug is mainly used in hemodialysis for the prevention of blood clotting and the treatment of deep vein thrombosis, unstable angina, and the prevention of operation-related thrombosis.

  Needs to be individualized dosage, in terms of dosage of the drug in the application process may produce adverse reaction, can lead to bleeding, especially large dose application that may lead to subcutaneous hematoma, may also cause thrombocytopenia, skin necrosis, allergic reactions, rare is likely to trigger transaminase lifts.

  The drug also has contraindications during application. Patients with acute gastroduodenal ulcer, cerebral hemorrhage, severe coagulation disease, and septic endocarditis are prohibited to use. Thrombocytopenia in patients with positive in vitro platelet aggregation test is contraindicated in patients with central nervous system ocular or ear injury or surgical administration of heparin. In the treatment of acute pulmonary thrombosis, local anesthetic drugs should be used with caution.